September 2, 2014

Spooky Halloween Castle, masquerade bat, moon Tshirt

Here's a design from HightonRidley's store. Always something ecclectic! Click to see, personalize and buy this and others like it.

tagged with: fun horror, hwcbmn, spooky castle, vampire bat, dripping blood, halloween castle, full moon, wan moon, fun fright, masked bat

Halloween series A fun Halloween design featuring a spooky gothic castle with blood dripping out of a window and more blood oozing out of the arched door, forming a pool. An eery vampire bat wearing a masquerade mask has just left the castle window and is flying across a pale, wan moon. A single drop of it's latest victim's blood is falling from the sky.
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image code: hwcbmn

»visit the HightonRidley store for more designs and products like this


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